Full legal name of business seeking certification. If this is a U.S. business, please consider applying for our APEC PRP Certification.

Please select the country where your business is incorporated.

Please list all global subsidiaries and/or affiliates governed by the privacy policies and practices reviewed as part of this process to be covered by this certification.

(Optional) Please enter any DBA or secondary name(s) for your business (i.e., trade name, assumed name, or product brand name) if different from legal company name. This allows consumer complaints to be matched appropriately to your business.

Please enter the URL for your primary corporate website.

For what offering(s) or type(s) of processing service(s) are you applying for recognition?

500 character(s) left.

Please enter the contact information of the officer in your company with power to bind the business contractually and attest to the final certification.

Please enter the contact information for the person responsible for paying invoices. The regular rate for this certification is $6,000. After you achieve your certification, the rate renews on an annual term.

Please enter the contact information for the person responsible for responding to privacy complaints and inquiries.

If you have a referral code, please enter it here.